About digital signage
What is digital signage?
• digital signage allows you to customize offers around each individual customer and offer the appropriate product based on each shopper’s needs in real time
• the message is delivered to the consumer while he/ she is in the store, in arm’s reach from a product, and a cash register nearby
• Digital Signage strongly influences customer’s last–minute purchase decision
Benefits obtained from digital signage
• Increase in sales
• Increase in customer satisfaction
• Increased brand and product awareness
• Much greater impact through video and attention grabbing graphics
• Message delivered straight to point of purchase where two-thirds of purchase decisions are made
• Flexibility and reduced time to deploy new products and promotions
• Multi-media, high tech branding
• Appeals to a generation of technically keen buyers who want information now
• Centralized management of content
• Ability to change messages fast, easily and less expensive in multiple locations in multiple time zones
• Improved efficiency